Tuesday 25 October 2011

Google's Music Store...

   Google has proved themselves to be involved in everything, including our privacy (as haters would say). Google search being their answer to internet, Google+ their retaliation against facebook, Android to slow down Apple, Google Checkout being their rebellion against credit cards. And now Google says they're going to come up with their own music store!! According to Android head Andy Rubin this store of theirs is going to have a twist or in his own words "It will have a little Google in it"
    This 'store' will directly compete iTunes but will have the edge because of it being integrated with Google+ (Captain Obvious at work), which is way better than Ping. And Google Music (which is currently in Beta mode) will also be connected to the store. To all those who don't know about Music Beta; it is a Cloud service is where a user uploads all of his music collection on Google servers and then can access them anytime through a PC or an Android phone (In your face Apple!!). Anyway this service is currently available in Beta Mode only in the U.S.
     So, the twist Rubin said about the store will most probably be Integration with Google+ and Music Beta with the famous Google simplicity. What do you think about this 'store'? Please leave a comment. Music Rules!!

Monday 24 October 2011

Mylo Xyloto Review

Jonny Buckland's haunting riff plays on, the acoustic guitar strums on as Chris Martin sings 'Slow-owow-owow-owow-it down'. The song 'Us against the world' is the fifth song of Coldplay's fifth most ambitious project, Mylo Xyloto. Beautifully executed, the album is a concept album which is a story as a whole. With Brian Eno at their side once more, they have created an irresistible album that will definitely cheer you up.
   The songs Mylo Xyloto, M.M.I.X, A Hopeful Transmission are samples connecting two songs. This time Jonny Buckland's presence is what makes this album really good. Chris Martin was right in saying 'There is no Coldplay music without Buckland.' The real highlights of the album are Charlie Brown - which is going to be one of the massive hits - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, Paradise, Us Against The World and Up In Flames. 
   The feature with Rihanna was not really a necessity as it was for publicity. Still no one would have thought that Coldplay could nail the R&B track Princess Of China. The song sounds actually good! (Which came as a surprise to me)
   Overall the album is beautifully made with the famous and rare Jonny Buckland's solos, Direct beats from Will Champion, Heavy use of Bass by Guy Berryman (Paradise and Princess Of China), Voice full of emotion by Chris Martin and the Coldplay's signature feel good execution.
  To all Coldplayers on board with Yellow: You sure are going to like this. But the ones who couldn't get quite behind Viva La Vida will have doubts about Coldplay being Sellouts. I would say that a band can't always make the same kind of music forever, right? While others think that this is Coldplay's Joshua Tree. I don't know about that but I have to say they have done some very impressive stuff here. By the way the only downfall of this album is the song is Major Minus which is just too chaotic for my taste. I would give this album 9/10.
  Submit your ratings in the comments. Music Rules!!